
Just Say Know!

Chemical Compound: Ketamine hydrochloride

Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic. The original form is a liquid solution, but it is commonly sold as a white crystalline powder. Ketamine’s dissociative effects provide a psychedelic experience unlike many other psychedelic drugs. People who use ketamine, particularly in higher doses, may experience feelings of disconnection from their surroundings, their body, and reality itself. This experience is often known as a K-hole. To “dissociate” means you may feel separate to your body, others or surroundings. There have been instances of methoxetamine (MXE) being sold as ketamine in Australia. MXE is much more potent and lasts much longer than ketamine.

General Information

How it’s Taken: Most commonly snorted but can be swallowed, injected, or plugged/shafted (rectal administration using a syringe without a needle).

Duration of Effects:
Total duration:
1-2 hours
Onset: 5-15 minutes
Peak: 20-60 minutes
Coming down: 30-60 minutes
Hangover/after effects: 1-3 hours
Even though the apparent effects of the drug wear off after 2 hours, the drug is still active in your system for 3 hours after you have taken it. Remember this if choosing to use other substances.

Most Common Effects:

  • Pleasant body and mental high

  • Numbness

  • Loss of coordination and motor skills

  • Slurred speech

  • Reduced heart rate and breathing, particularly when combined with central nervous system depressants

  • Euphoria / meaningful spiritual experiences

  • Increased feeling of disconnectedness from the world and people in it

  • A peculiar feeling of loneliness

  • Sense of calm and serenity

  • Abstract and disjointed thinking

  • Dissociation of mind and body

  • Confusion and disorientation

  • Distortion, loss of time

*Effects vary greatly from one person to another

Less Common Effects:

  • Increased energy

  • Increased heart rate

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Increased or decreased blood pressure

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Urinary incontinence, pain during urination, urinary tract infection, passing blood in urine

  • Anxiety or panic, caused by confusion or dissociation

  • Visual hallucinations

  • Paranoia

  • Shifted perception of reality

  • Enhanced sense of connectedness with the world and people in it

  • Change in sensory perception – can be frightening

Rare Effects:

  • Seizure

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Headache

  • Amnesia

  • Delirium

  • Nightmares

  • Megalomania (feeling like the centre of the universe)

  • Out-of-body experience

Possible Long-term effects:

These effects are possible with extended use:

  • Risk of psychological dependency

  • Cognitive impairments including memory problems

  • Severe degeneration of the bladder and urinary tract including ketamine bladder syndrome.

Call 000 if experiencing an adverse effects, feel unwell or concerned in any way

Safer Using Tips :

Taking drugs is never without risk. Information on dose and length of action are of a general nature. Each person’s response to a drug will depend heavily upon individual factors such as body weight, kidney and liver function. Because most illicit drugs are of unknown purity and weight, use caution when dosing, start low and go slow.

  • A standard recreational dose can vary from 15 mg to 300 mg, depending on how it’s taken, desired effects, weight  of user, tolerance etc.

  • Start with a small amount to test strength.

  • Give the drug plenty of time to work. When snorted, ketamine can take up to 15-20 minutes to fully take effect, so it’s best to wait at least that long before redosing.

  • Due to the potency and effects of ketamine, it is commonly used in small doses (bumps), rather than a single larger amount, such as a line. A small dose is the tip of a ketamine spoon, rather than the whole spoon.

  • Reagent test kits are legal and available to purchase online and can provide an estimation of the contents of drugs.

  • If injecting, intramuscular (in muscle) is safer than intravenous because of the quick onset of the drug.

  • If you feel you might have an injury, get it checked out immediately. Ketamine is an anaesthetic so may mask an injury.


  • Use in a safe environment with people that you trust.

  • It is best to avoid food 90 minutes prior to using ketamine, as it can cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach shrinking.

  • Have a sober/experienced friend present for support.

  • Ketamine has a  significant effect on balance and coordination. Remain seated or lying down, particularly when using larger doses.

  • Be cautious when redosing as the drug remains in your system even after the apparent effects have worn off. Redosing too soon or too much can         cause a stacking effect, causing a stronger than expected reaction to the drug.

  • If you are sensitive to urinary tract infections or other issues, moderation is strongly advised.


  • Snort water before and after to avoid damaging the protective lining in your nose.

  • To avoid the risk of transmission of HIV and hep C, do not use bank notes or share straws. Use your own clean straw.


  • If injecting, care needs to be taken to avoid infections, hepatitis C and HIV.

  • Use sterile water to mix up the powder or the safest alternative. Remember bacteria in the water can make you sick.

  • Use new and sterile equipment and do not share anything with anyone else.

  • Always dispose of injecting equipment safely – DanceWize NSW has sharps bins and can dispose of equipment for you.


  • Use sterile water to mix up the powder.

  • Make sure all equipment is new and sterile - don’t share anything with anyone else - speak to DanceWize NSW or another NSP to get sterile injecting equipment.

  • Find a discreet and safe place to do it.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after.

  • Use lube to avoid tearing skin.

Unsafe Combinations:

Ketamine combined with ….

  • Alcohol = nausea and vomiting at low doses. Higher doses can cause much more serious effects  (see depressants)

  • Depressants = (GHB, opioids, benzos e.g. Valium) loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing and respiratory failure which can lead to death

  • MAOIs = can unpredictably increase the potency of ketamine

  • Psychedelics = can unpredictably intensify the psychedelic experience

Take a look at the TripSit drug combinations chart HERE for info on other combinations

Ketamine is not recommended to take if you have or have had:

• Increased spinal fluid  pressure

• Increased pressure in the eye

•  Head trauma or injury causing bleeding in the brain

•  Eye injury

•  Heart problems

•  Severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure

•  Thyroid problems

•  Recent stroke

Speak to you doctor for more info on drug combinations/health conditions. Call (02) 8354 7300 or 1800 644 413 (free call) for referrals

Roadside Drug test:

It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including ketamine. Ketamine is not detectable by a saliva test. It’s best not to drive until the effects have completely worn off and you have had a decent sleep. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your ride home from a festival or event.

Read more about Mobile Drug Testing HERE

More info

This resource is not a complete guide so do some further research. The following websites may help: