Drug Alert: Etizolam sold as Xanax

⚠️ Drug Warning ⚠️ Etizolam is being sold as Xanax ⚠️

NSW Health has released a drug warning about numerous batches of fake alprazolam/Xanax. We also have peer reports that these pills are currently circulating around Sydney.

These drugs are pressed so they look like branded alprazolam tablets (Xanax bars or Mylan-brand pills). However, the active ingredient in these is etizolam – a completely different drug, with some different effects!

Although etizolam is chemically related to alprazolam, their effects may be different between people. 👬

❌ You're more likely to have a bad time or do something you'll regret if you mix etizolam with alcohol or other drugs. Both etizolam and alprazolam can lead to compulsive redosing.

Things to look out for:
• unusually alert/energetic after dosing
• time to come on may differ from Xanax

✅ Remember to stay safe!

💊 Don’t redose - Multiple doses are dangerous💊
🥃🍺💉Avoid mixing with alcohol or other drugs 🥃🍺💉
👭 Don’t use alone 👬
🚐🏩 Seek medical help ASAP, call 000 if feeling unwel

Drug AlertDanceWize NSW