

Booking ENQUIRY form

Please complete the booking enquiry form at the bottom of this page if you are interested in having DanceWize NSW at your event.

DanceWize NSW services are tailored to each event. The more information that you can provide in your booking enquiry, the more we can tailor the service to your event.

What DanceWize NSW offers

DanceWize NSW is a harm reduction-focussed, peer education program (funded by NSW Health) that provides Crowd Care at festivals and dance events throughout NSW. The DanceWize NSW team comprises staff employed by NSW Users and Aids Association (NUAA) and voluntary Key Peer Educators (KPEs). What makes DanceWize NSW different from other peer-based harm reduction services is that our staff and KPE’s are recruited and identify as people from the festival scene. Our membership to this community is our greatest asset as our lived experience gives us legitimacy when providing care to our community.

At your event DW NSW can provide:

A front-of-house Education Space hosted by KPE’s. This is a central point where partygoers can access free health and welfare education, support, relevant referrals, brief interventions and/or harm reduction and health supplies. See our Resources List for a comprehensive overview.

A back-of-house Care Space located in close proximity to the on-site medical where trained KPEs provide support for intoxicated persons experiencing distress, provide a safe space for victims of sexual assault/harassment, and deliver an integrated reciprocal referral model for care with the onsite medical/first aid provider. All patrons are assessed and managed in accordance with strict protocols and in collaboration with the on-site medical team. See our Triage and Care Protocols for further information.

• Rovers, who in pairs and with radio contact to DW NSW, provide additional crowd monitoring to support patron safety in conjunction with stakeholders. In addition, rovers report on trends and behaviours in the crowd, provide brief interventions and identify partygoers who may benefit from closer attention and accompany them to a medical or peer-led intervention and safety. Rovers also support the security and EMT teams by scanning for anti-social behaviour and sexual assault. Rovers operate within the boundary of the event throughout the event. Rovers provide support at the entry point during ingress and egress.

At large events we can provide a dedicated DW NSW Emergency Command Centre representative. This crew member will coordinate roving teams, and manage, responded, and escalate requests for assistance to the relevant stakeholder.

• As a leader in peer led harm reduction, NUAA offers a range of training resources, including community workshops, online training packages, and AOD training workshops. DanceWize NSW can connect you with their world class training packages, or offer a personalised workshop catered to your community or organisational needs. Please contact us on 9171 6650 for further information


Key Peer Educator Training

dancewize induction nov 2019.PNG

All volunteer Key Peer Educators (KPE) undergo an initial induction training course (6 hours). DW NSW does not operate as a First Aid provider, all KPEs have accredited First Aid training. Below is a comprehensive list of the additional training and workshops the members of the DW NSW team undertake as part of their ongoing development.

HLTAID003 - Level 2 Provide First Aid

Drug Overdose Prevention Education ‘DOPE’ training including naloxone training

Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Trip Sitter Training

Psycho-pharmacology and Drug Classifications

Needle and Syringe Program (secondary)–Safe Disposal Practices

Substance Specific Harm Reduction Discussions

Blood Borne Virus prevention

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Mental Health First Aid (for team leaders only)

Legal Training

Responding to Sexual Assault

Diplomacy, De-escalation and Dispute Resolution

Rainbow Buzz: Working with LGBTIQ people

Care Space Paperwork

Self Care and Boundaries Workshop


Triage and care protocols

Wolves at festival x Nov 2019 photo by tori_henryy.jpg

The DanceWize NSW Care Space is the first tier of a medical response at events.  While DanceWize NSW is not a first aid service, KPEs have all completed accredited Provide First Aid Training, in addition to extensive training assessing, managing, and referring patrons in need of assistance. KPE’s in a integrated reciprocal model of care support medical staff in assessment and care for patrons under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. All assessment and care interventions are conducted in line with strict protocols – if at any point there is concern for a person’s physical health or safety, KPEs engage the assistance of on-site medical staff. More details on DanceWize NSW care protocols can be provided to the promoter or medical team at the time of your booking enquiry.

DanceWize NSW Rovers follow similar care protocols when responding to patrons in need of assistance in the field. Rovers may act as first responders to alcohol and other drug related health incidents throughout the event, radioing through the ECC or appropriate channels to seek medical assistance or security when required. They also feedback vital information about emerging risks or issues at the event, which is reported back to operations and emergency management personnel, as required.

DanceWize NSW keeps detailed records of the education, care, and peer support that we provide. Team Leaders record real-time data on patrons who enter DanceWize NSW care throughout an event – including information about drugs involved – which can be reported at Emergency Management Team and stakeholder meetings.


Resource list


Educational Resources
• Alcohol Drug Information Services (ADIS) referral cards
• Legal Aid Police Powers Resources
• Legal Aid Domestic Violence Resources
• TripSit poly drug combination chart

Substance specific harm reduction resources developed by DanceWize NSW
o   MDMA o   2C-X series
o   Anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications o   GHB o   Nitrous Oxide o   Cannabis
o   DMT o   Ketamine
o   Amyl Nitrate o   Magic Mushrooms
o   LSD o   Methamphetamine
o   Opioids o   Alcohol
o   Speed o   Cocaine

Harm Reduction Resources
• Sexual Health Supplies e.g. condoms, lubricant
• Sanitary items e.g. tampons, pads
• Electrolytes (Staminade)
• Earplugs
• Sunscreen
• Straws
• Blankets & Heaters
• Various toys & games
• Lollipops, fresh fruit, snacks & toast
• Glitter
• Needle & Syringe Program
• Water mister sprays
• First Aid Kit
• Spare clothing are available for patrons who’s clothing has been damaged by medical interventions, have soiled themselves, or been assaulted