Drug Alert: fake benzos

DRUG ALERT  Harmful drugs in fake #benzos (#benzodiazepines)  ⁠

 NSW Health has issued a warning following reports of ongoing detections and harms from fake #alprazolam (a benzodiazepine). The tablets have variable appearance and can look like a variety of local or overseas alprazolam 2mg, such as Kalma, Xanax, Mylan, Sandoz. Products not purchased at pharmacies are at high risk of being counterfeit. ⁠

 Please like and share the post to spread the knowledge #drugalert #drugwarning ⁠

— What are the risks and symptoms? —⁠

Counterfeit alprazolam is often poorly manufactured, and the ingredients and dose can vary a lot, even within the same batch. Testing has shown that most counterfeit tablets do not contain alprazolam, instead they contain unusual benzodiazepines and other drugs (even stimulants!), which can be more harmful. ⁠

— What to look out for: — ⁠

 Difficulty speaking or walking, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, slow breathing/snoring and skin turning blue. ⁠

 Other unexpected effects. ⁠

— How can you get help? —⁠

If you see the warning signs of unexpected drug reactions or overdose: ⁠

 Seek help from your nearest emergency department. ⁠

 Call Triple Zero (000). ⁠

 Use naloxone (nasal spray or syringe). Call 000 even if using naloxone. ⁠

 Start CPR if someone is not breathing. ⁠

 If they are breathing, put them in the recovery position (on their side). ⁠

— How can you protect yourself? —⁠

 Avoid mixing benzos with other depressant drugs such as opioids, alcohol, ketamine or GHB. ⁠

 Use a quarter dose to start with, wait an hour and see what the effect is. ⁠

 Learn everything you can about drug checking (nuaa.org.au/drugtestkits) and test your drugs whenever you can. You may not be able to detect benzos with reagent tests. If possible, mix a large batch of tablets together to ensure they are evenly mixed, start with a small amount to see how it affects you and then slowly up your dose until you find your sweet spot.

 Opioids haven’t yet been found in fake benzos in NSW, but you should still get naloxone and carry it with you. It can temporarily reverse an overdose from opioids but is not effective for benzos. It can be hard to tell the difference between an opioid and benzo overdose, so just use naloxone if you have it, and do not delay calling Triple Zero (000). Naloxone will not make a benzo overdose worse. NUAA can mail you naloxone for free in a discreet package. Order via shop.nuaa.org.au or call (02) 8354 7343.

— Connect with the drug-using community – We’re safer together. —

 Stay up to date with drug alerts and peer-led harm reduction information by following NUAA & DanceWize NSW on social media.

 If you want non-judgemental support from an experienced member of the drug-using community, contact NUAA & DanceWize NSW’s PeerLine by calling 1800 644 413 or messaging us on social media.

— Further information —

 Learn more about benzos: dancewizensw.org.au/medications

 Learn more about Fake Benzos: http://dancewizensw.org.au/.../benzos-and-fake-benzos...

 Get naloxone and fentanyl test strips: shop.nuaa.org.au

 Reagent drug checking kits: nuaa.org.au/nuaa-blog/drug-testing-kits

 See NSW Health’s Official Drug Alert / Public Drug Warning: health.nsw.gov.au/aod/public-drug-alerts/ 

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Drug Alert, drugsNUAA Admin